Organising for Every Home.



A Solution for All

Like a vintage chair bearing the marks of time and use, each home tells a story of the lives lived within its walls. The wear and tear, the scuffs and stains all contribute to the chair's character, making it uniquely its own. Our homes, much in the same way, are reflections of our journeys, adorned with the clutter of our daily existence and the emotional attachments to our belongings. These spaces, meant to be our sanctuaries, can sometimes become sources of stress when they no longer serve our needs or reflect our current selves. Recognising the uniqueness of our relationship with our spaces and possessions, Reorganise offers a compassionate and tailored approach to transforming our homes into the dream spaces we all deserve.

The Uniqueness of Our Spaces

Our homes are as individual as we are, serving as the backdrop to our unique lives and stories. Whether we lean towards minimalism or embrace a more-is-more philosophy, our spaces are personal havens that reflect our values, tastes, and the complexity of our daily lives.

Problem Areas

Just as a vintage chair shows signs of wear in different places—perhaps a frayed edge or a faded patch—our homes, too, have unique problem areas. These might be a kitchen drawer that's become a black hole for miscellaneous items, a living room that's lost its sense of purpose amid the clutter, or a digital space overrun with the detritus of our online lives.

Unique Relationships with Belongings

Our connections to our possessions are deeply personal, much like the stories that a well-loved piece of furniture holds. Some of us may find solace in the memories attached to various objects, making it hard to let go. In contrast, others might need help with the sheer volume of decisions that organising entails.

Reorganise: A Solution for All

REORGANISE embraces a philosophy of inclusivity and personalisation to acknowledge every home's unique story. We aim to craft organising solutions that respect and celebrate the individuality of each person and their living space.

For the Minimalists and the Maximalists

Whether you're paring down to the essentials or surrounding yourself with items that tell your story, REORGANISE guides you. We offer strategies to help minimalists achieve a balanced environment and assist maximalists in curating their collections to enrich rather than overwhelm their spaces.

Addressing Unique Needs

Strategies may focus on simplifying decision-making and creating low-effort maintenance routines for those with ADHD or ADD. The approach is gentle for individuals grappling with hoarding tendencies, emphasizing emotional support and gradual decluttering to foster a healthier relationship with possessions.

Adapting to Life's Changes

Living situations influence organisational needs. From the autonomy (and challenges) of living alone to the dynamics of shared spaces with roommates or the complexities of family life, REORGANISE tailors strategies to meet these varied circumstances, ensuring that every home can be a sanctuary.

The Journey to a Dream Home

Transforming your home with REORGANISE is about more than just sorting and discarding. It's a journey of understanding and honouring the stories of those who live within its walls, creating spaces that support well-being, reflect personal values, and enable us to live our best lives.

Customised Strategies

Through workshops, one-on-one consultations, or virtual assistance, REORGANISE offers personalised guidance to navigate the path to a dream home. It acknowledges the wear and tear of life and transforms it into a space of beauty and function.

Community and Support

Building a community of support is crucial. Sharing stories and experiences empowers individuals on their organisational journeys and fosters connections that inspire and uplift, much like the shared appreciation for the beauty and history of a vintage chair.

Education and Empowerment

Education is critical to empowerment. REORGANISE provides knowledge and tools, from the psychology of clutter to practical organising tips, equipping individuals to tackle their spaces confidently. Workshops on decluttering, time management, and sustainable living are just the start.

In embracing our unique stories, just as we would cherish a vintage chair for its character and history, REORGANISE celebrates the diversity of our homes and lives, offering paths to organisations as individual as we are. Together, we can transform our spaces into true sanctuaries, reflecting our journeys and supporting our dreams.

Sale Price:€45.95 Original Price:€95.00

Your Home, Your Safe Space


A Love Story of Attachment and Letting Go