The Seasonal Closet Philosophy

My closet in the middel of Reoganisation.

In interior design, every element within a space tells a story, from the colour on the walls to the fabric draped over a chair. As an interior designer, I've learned about our surroundings' profound impact on our daily lives and well-being. One concept that stands as a testament to this belief, extending beyond the confines of room layouts and colour schemes, is the seasonal closet.

Why a Seasonal Closet?

The seasonal closet is more than an organisational tactic; it's a way of living intentionally with the clothes we wear and the spaces we inhabit. By curating our wardrobes seasonally, we declutter our physical space and bring clarity and purpose to our daily routines.

Space, Mind, and Mood Harmony

Every square inch in our home matters, and it has the potential to influence our mood and productivity. Adopting a seasonal closet frees up precious space, eliminating the visual noise of off-season attire. This approach aligns perfectly with the principles of thoughtful interior design, where every item's presence is purposeful and pleasing.

As organisers, we understand the importance of adapting our living spaces to the rhythm of life. Similarly, a seasonal closet adapts our wardrobe to the year's rhythm, ensuring each piece is mindfully chosen to reflect the current season's needs and moods.

The Ritual of Renewal

The bi-annual closet reset is not just a task; it's a ritual of reflection and renewal. It's a time to reassess our choices, to align our possessions with our evolving tastes, and to practice letting go of what no longer serves us. This ritual mirrors the cycles of change and growth we nurture as mothers, guiding our families through life's seasons with love and intention.

A Personal Journey

As a designer, I view clothing as a form of self-expression, akin to selecting the perfect set of curtains for a room. Each piece in our seasonal closet should speak to who we are and how we wish to move through the world. This process encourages us to form a deeper connection with our belongings, viewing them not as mere objects but as extensions of our identity and values.

Mindfulness in Every Stitch

In today's fast-paced world, slowing down to consider the impact of our consumption is revolutionary. A seasonal closet embodies this shift towards mindfulness, urging us to think twice before adding to our collections. This philosophy extends beyond the wardrobe, touching every aspect of curating our homes and lives.

Sustainability at Heart

As an advocate for sustainable living, the seasonal closet is a tangible expression of my environmental commitment. It champions quality over quantity and longevity over trendiness, echoing the sustainable practices I strive to embed in my work and home life. By choosing to consume less and more wisely, we make a statement about the kind of world we want to create for our children.

Embracing the seasonal closet is more than an exercise in fashion or organisation; it's a holistic approach to living that resonates deeply with my roles as an interior designer and organiser. It reflects a desire for simplicity, beauty, and intentionality in all areas of life, from the clothes we wear to the spaces we inhabit.

This journey towards a more mindful and sustainable lifestyle starts in our closets but doesn't end there. It's a pathway to transforming our homes, lives, and planet, one season at a time.


The Linen Closet


Day 8 - Socks and Underwear