Spring is the season of REBORN.

Roxy, the multifaceted founder of Reborn, has seamlessly blended her expertise in interior design with her passion for astrology to become a renowned homemaker. Her diverse talents have also led to the creation of a range of beautiful courses, enriching the lives of many with her unique blend of skills and knowledge.

More about Roxy

Reborn stands at the intersection of style and soul, revolutionising how we create our dream homes by merging the cosmic insights of astrology with the practical magic of interior design. Through its innovative online courses, Roxy, the heart behind Reborn, weaves together her passions for astrology, homemaking, and interior design, offering more than just aesthetic advice but a holistic approach to personalising spaces. It’s about transforming a house into a sanctuary that profoundly resonates with the individual's essence, where every detail reflects their story, making it feel like home.

Upcoming Courses


May 18


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June 15


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September 13


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What is your "clutter" personality?

What is your "clutter" personality?

Have you ever wondered what your specific way of dealing with clutter says about you? It's a question that's not often asked, but understanding your unique "clutter style" is crucial before you start cleaning up. It provides valuable insights into how you can clean up most effectively. Take our quiz and discover more about your clutter personality, including the organisational strategies that suit you best.

Improve your daily life and well-being by creating a home that matches your personality.

Design a Soulful Home

Reborn transcends mere aesthetic aspects; my courses are designed to support you in shaping a home that truly fits you. A place that feels like home, not just a house. Don't get swept away by fleeting trends in interior design, but aim for timeless decor that reflects your personality.

In my courses, I combine my expertise as an interior designer with astrological insights to guide you in creating a home that embodies the essence of your soul.

Transform Your Space, Embrace Your Essence.

A Love Story

In our lives, our possessions are more than just lifeless objects; they are the bizarre supporting characters of our existence. Imagine: every time we buy something new, whether we purchase it on impulse or receive it as a gift, it's as if we enter into a material relationship. This is not just any relationship; it's like living togeter, with the same highs and lows.


I have developed REORGANISE as the first step towards your dream home. Before you start selecting furniture, paint, or wallpaper, it is crucial to first thoroughly analyze your belongings, your life, and your habits. An essential part of the course is reflecting on who you were, who you are now, and where you want to go. Astrology serves as a valuable tool for self-reflection in this course. Moreover, you will delve into understanding and adjusting your habits and routines. To truly transform your home and your life, improving and adapting them is essential.

In this unique course, you will learn:

The nature of clutter: What exactly is it, and how do you relate to your possessions?

Self-reflection: A deep look at who you were, who you are now, and where you want to go.

Creating a home: Discover how to make your house feel like a home.

Energy in the home: Understand everything is energy, including your home. Learn how to create a living environment that energises rather than drains you.

Habits and routines: Identify your current habits and routines, and learn how to improve and streamline them for a more efficient life.

Long-lasting tidiness and organisation: Gain strategies to keep your home tidy and live an organised life permanently.


Are you ready to take your life and home to the next level? Is my 'Reorganise' course right for you? Then we have something special for you! Our latest podcast answers the ten most frequently asked questions about the course so you know what to expect.

Reborn reflects my essence. My goal is not to dictate how you should live or decorate your home. With Reborn, I aim to give something valuable back to the world. I am happy to share my knowledge so you can create a home where you truly feel comfortable. In my courses, I combine my experience as an interior designer with astrology’s insights.
— Roxy Gerretsen

My living room in the morning still messy from the night before.

Your Home, Your Safe Space.

Discover in my journal how you can transform your home into a sanctuary. In traditional temples, gods and saints are honoured; I want to show you how to create a space that honours the core of your being. A place where societal expectations do not lead you but where you look deep within yourself to discover what you need to truly feel at home, relax, and get the most out of life.

Dive into how you can combine interior design and astrology for a space that genuinely resonates with your personality.

I learned from Roxy that we enter into a relationship with all the things we buy and get given. All our belongings deserve their place in our home; if something doesn’t have a proper place, tidying up is challenging. And that’s how clutter is created.
— Zala Schneider



New Courses


Pre-Sale - New Courses -

REORGANISE - Organise your Life
Sale Price:€45.95 Original Price:€95.00
REDECORATE - Design you Home with Confidence
Sale Price:€145.00 Original Price:€290.00
RENOVATE - Practical Guide to Home Renovation
Sale Price:€160.00 Original Price:€320.00

Book a free Consult..

Are you still doubting how astrology can transform your house into a true home? Then book a free personal consultation with Roxy. During this conversation, Roxy will briefly explain how your horoscope can contribute to realizing your dream home.